Everydayville. The fire is coming.

Everydayville. The fire is coming.

 Everydayville is a normal town, a pretty good place to live. Everyday, parents drop their kids at wooden school buildings amongst the eucalypts, then go about their lives. Off to work. Shopping. Checking Facebook. Planning holidays. At night, when darkness...
The story of Linkmore

The story of Linkmore

Once upon a time there was a place called Linkmore whose people fought a gasfield. It was a huge gasfield. A worrying gasfield. The people said they didn’t want it, but the government said “Shut up. You’re getting it”. But, in groups large and small, people came...
Beyond fear: courage

Beyond fear: courage

This blog was written for a seminar series on Fear hosted by the School of Regulation and Governance, Australian National University, Dec 2017. During the years when I worked as Community Engagement Coordinator for Lock The Gate Alliance, I had the honour of working...